Livi Ron - Owner/head coach

Lover of Meat, Weights, and Cats.

After tracking food for the last five years and jumping from one nutrition program to the next looking for the right fit, I decided to develop Revival Wellness & Nutrition. I wanted to develop a program that focused on both the physical and mental aspects of each person, not just the ability for someone to get a six-pack. With my education in dietetics, food science and muscle biology it brought my deep passion of nutrition and sports performance.

In 2015 I was able to drop 40 pounds in a relatively short time when my goals were purely about being as small as I possibly could be. I was hungry everyday, I developed a disordered and unhealthy view of food, and I avoided any and all social situations. Fast forward to now, I’m finally at a healthy weight, performing better in the gym, and developed a much more sustainable and happy view of food that doesn’t keep me from living my life and loving myself.

Ultimately, I believe nutrition is a much larger picture than a before and after photo, but more about how the person feels internally. My body has gone through several stages from being overweight, to underweight and to finally at a healthy weight for performance and mental health.

My goal is to help people lose weight and keep it off forever without diets or restrictions.


Whatever your goals are, I can’t wait to help you reach them!


  • Nutritional Coaching Institute Level 1

  • M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics

  • M.S. ABD Meat and Food Science

  • B.S. Animal Science and Agriculture

    • Minor in Chemistry

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